DeckProtect® Disclaimer

Purchasers and users of the DeckProtect® product should be advised to review the directions for the use of their fire pit or chiminea before using them with our product. DeckProtect® is designed to protect your decking surface from radiant heat that is produced by the fire source. DeckProtect® is not designed to enhance or eliminate any other safety concerns of the fire pit or chiminea product.

We proudly sell our product to allow users of fire pits and/or chiminea products the freedom to utilize these fire products on wooden surfaces by protecting the surface from radiant heat only. Any other use or misuse of the DeckProtect® product voids any expressed or implied guarantee of safety or prevention from fire and heat damage to property or surroundings. DeckProtect® is made to withstand temperatures up to 1,400 degrees. DeckProtect® must be ten feet away from all structure higher than the product itself not exceeding three inches. You must never burn a fire in winds exceeding five miles per hour. DeckProtect® (pat.pending) will not be responsible for any damages due to wind or open flame. This product is manufactured to protect combustible surfaces beneath your heat source fire pit/chiminea.

Please keep in mind safety is our number one goal. You must never use accelerants of any kind while using this product. DeckProtect®(pat.pending) will not be held responsible for any damage done to your property, structure or any belongings caused by fire while misusing our product. You must always use caution and recommended usage of the manufacturer when using your fire pit or chiminea. This product is produced for our customers to enjoy your fire pit/chiminea and is not to be misused in any way.

Our product is made of an abrasive material. Users should wash their hands after handling the product.